Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hello there, Springtime!

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and Spring is officially here.  It's beautiful out!

Since sweet hubs and I were on our road trip to Atlanta last week, we weren't here for the start of the beautiful weather, but we did manage to get home just in time for a mini-heatwave to hit NYC.  Yesterday, the temperature broke the heat record of 89 degrees (we hit 92 yesterday) for the first time since 1928 on April 7th!  Crazy!  We did get lucky and our trip down south brought us back home before the insane pollen hit Atlanta - I'm incredibly thankful for that since my allergies are hyperactive.  An "extremely high" pollen count is considered to be 120+, which is the amount of pollen particles measured in a 24 hour timeframe per 1 cubic meter of air.  Yesterday, Atlanta's pollen count hit 5,733.  That's like inhaling sand.  Gross.

Anyhow, I'm thrilled that the sun is out and beautiful weather is here.  Maybe it'll stick around for a while!