Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Bit of Randomness For Thursday

Random Note #1: I generated my "Top Words of 2010" on Facebook which are pulled from my status posts. Here are my results:

1: Love - used 22 times
2: Jesse - used 17 times
3: Weekend - used 16 times
4: Happy - used 14 times
5: Brown - used 13 times
6: Tonight - used 12 times
7: Morning - used 11 times
8: Night - used 10 times
9: Sweet - used 10 times
10: Nyc - used 9 times

Not too bad. For some reason I thought I'd been more bitchy than I actually was. Apparently not.

Random Note #2: Black Swan looks awesome and I hope to see it this weekend.

Random Note #3: I've been mentally pre-occupied lately, which is what I blame for not doing any good design posts and also being in a not particularly great mood.  Must remedy this situation very soon. (I know I keep saying this...)

I googled "mentally preoccupied" and this is the image that came up.  Interesting.

Random Note #4: I'm missing Columbia, SC very much at the moment. The holidays always bring this about.

Columbia, SC (Image courtesy of City Data.)

Random Note #5: Everyone is having babies. I am thankfully excluded from this.

Again, I googled "Everyone is having babies" and this image came up.

Random Note #6: There is apparently a serial killer in Brooklyn.

Another image courtesy of Google.