Sunday, December 12, 2010

Baby, it's cold (and rainy) outside...

My entertainment for this cold, rainy December morning upon which I got up way too early, it's pouring out and my Internet isn't working even though it says it is includes coffee, reading Slaughterhouse-five, watching The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and watching my cats dueling on the windowsill.

Not too bad of an alternative, if I do say so myself.

Oh yea, I'm also way overdue for writing a good design post. Sorry folks. It's coming, I promise!


shawna said...

i totally have that same mug!

...only mine has an S on it... it just wouldn't make sense if it was a C like yours...


Unknown said...

I love that mug! It's the best!

And yes, that would not make much sense, but would be kind of fun if you had a letter other than "S"! Haha.
