Thursday, August 5, 2010

Random Post

Hey! Look at that - it's my half birthday! Which means... nothing really.

30 and 1/2.

I am working on a nice big post, its just not quite done yet, so I didn't want to leave my blog unattended for too long. Haha.

Sweet hubs and I are almost finished moving - we will officially be in our new apartment as of Sunday night, which is awesome.

I can't wait to come home to my new apartment!

Also, let me take a moment to do a shout out to sweet hubs. He really has been a trooper in taking care of everything with regard to setting up utilities, moving things and lots of other things that we should be doing together for this move that I just haven't been able make time for. He's the best. I'm really lucky to have such a rad dude for a husband.

Sweet hubs and I in the subway.  Photo courtesy of Wes Hargrave.


Joyti said...

Awww, new apartment must be exciting! And happy 1/2 birthday!

Unknown said...

Indeed! I love the fresh start that moving brings and I'm in love with my new apartment!

And thank you! Haha!