Monday, November 1, 2010

The Big Reveal! Part II: The Office

Here we go with part 2 of the apartment before/after reveal: the office.

Unfortunately the "before" photo of the office is kind of crappy, but you get the idea.  The space turned out really nicely after sweet hubs worked his magic.  He needed a space of his own to do his work since he's a freelance photographer and this room was perfect - it can be darkened for retouching if he needs it to be, but it has a big window that brings in a nice breeze and indirect light if he wants it to be a bit more open.

I can't take credit for decorating this room in any way - this is all sweet hubs.  It's perfect for him in every way.

The wall color is Behr's "Misty Surf" and the trim is Behr's "Bright White".