Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog Consolidation? Organizational issues? Yep. That's me.

Ok, so I don't REALLY have too many organizational issues.  I'm actually pretty anal retentive when it comes to organization and whatnot.  One thing I do have an issue with currently is the amount of blogs I have, which are sitting there, sadly neglected.

Last year I'd started a travel blog for sweet hubs and I since our parents are always asking to see photos of our past, present and future journeys, which I'd started with full force but then got busy.  And then it fell to the wayside and I haven't even looked back.  I love blogging and I really need to focus to be consistant.

Hence my post today.

So... I think I need to incorporate my other blogs.  When I say other blogs, it sounds like I've got 65 roaming the web, when in reality I have two others: my travel blog and my recipe blog.  It's really not THAT out of control.  Not really...

I'm going to do some back posting - hopefully this will not inundate and annoy my readers (hello?  is anyone out there?  Just kidding.) but if you see random posts (ie: "Sweet Hubs and I Travel to Montana! circa 2002"), don't fear, things aren't wonky, its just me organizing.

That's all for now, folks!  Enjoy any older posts that may show up in your reader feeds, etc.

And in other news, my cupcakes from last night went over quite well at work.  Don't you wish you worked with me so you could have treats brought to you?  ;)