Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Things have been quiet here in the blog land of Musings and Nonsense. 2012 has brought about a lot of interesting situations and experiences - and it's only mid-February!

Lots of good, lots of flux and lots of unknowns, but overall, everything is good and there is lots more to come. I'm just not quite ready to share these things with the world.

That being said, there are also going to be some changes for my sweet sweet blog.

I've been evaluating and have found lots of things that are working well, but also lots of things that can be greatly improved. Blogging is a hobby for me and it's always a work-in-progress.

In the next two or so months, things will be very quiet around here. I'm re-designing, re-working and will be moving to a new hosting platform. As much love and history as I have for and with Blogger, I'm ready to make the switch to Wordpress. The time has come for bigger and better things, and those things, unfortunately, can't be achieved on Blogger.

So I bid you adieu for the time being. I'll still be tweeting, pinning, photographing and updating, so feel free to follow along on the many other social media outlets that I utilize.

See y'all on the flip-side.


Time to relax, regroup and redesign.


callie said...

Good luck with the redesign! Looking forward to seeing it.

Unknown said...

Thanks Callie! I appreciate it. I'm looking forward to it myself. Definitely need to freshen things up around here! :)