Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolutions for 2012

I typically don't make resolutions. The concept of making a laundry list of things that, most of the time, I won't actually accomplish (ie. I have a tendency to go a bit overboard with delusions of grandeur) is counter-productive to me.

That being said, I do have a list of goals I'd like to accomplish or at least make a good deal of headway with. I'm not going to pressure myself in saying any are final resolutions that MUST be accomplished, but instead, call my resolution list more of a personal improvement project.

  • Take time for myself. I have the most trouble with this, which is why it's first on my list. I have to really focus in order to not let time completely slip by without taking a moment for myself on occasion.
  • When taking time for myself, make it quality time. Instead of just taking a moment or doing something for myself, I want to make it count - I want to enjoy it and make it worthwhile.
  • Learn more, read more, & write more. First order of business, which will help with the next item on my list, is to re-learn French. (Also on this note, anyone have any book suggestions?)
  • Travel. I need to actively set out to travel more. We started out the new year travelling for a short weekend to Jekyll Island, GA and I'm hoping to make a trip to the mountains sometime soon. We also have our first international trip planned in June to visit Lille & Paris, France.
  • Slow down and enjoy life.
  • Take more photos.
  • Simplify. 
  • Redesign Musings and Nonsense.
  • Learn to play a new musical instrument.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and rang in the new year with enjoyment. Here is a little Instagram photo-recap of our New Year's beach trip.


Unknown said...

Since you mentioned travel, Jamie, my husband, and I will be waiting for y'all in MInneapolis - come on.....we're waiting!!!

Unknown said...

You know, we may end up crashing your house someday if you say that! I'd like to come up that way at some point - my brother and his family actually live outside of Minneapolis too. I've never been up in that part of the country.

Hope you guys had an awesome holiday season!!!!

Jillian said...

Hi there! I took the Blogging101 Alt Summit class tonight too. Your blog looks great- I love the picture of the bare tree and the sky! Gorgeous. Hopefully we can keep connecting!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jillian! I really appreciate it. Let's definitely keep in touch!