Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holidays in Full Effect

Is it just me, or is the holiday season flying by?

Between the rush of crazy busy days and planning for my parents to be with us during Christmas, the last month and a half blew by and I feel like I totally missed Christmas. I suppose the fact that I had a nasty cold from the Wednesday before Christmas until now that is still hanging out, didn't help since I was in a Thera-flu induced stupor most of the time.

Unfortunately, we took ONE photo. That's right - a single photo. Kind of a bummer.

Regardless, I was under the impression that all went well - my parents seemed to have a great time and we had TONS of food around - Sweet hubs and I cooking our first full Christmas dinner was a success.

Now, it's time for me to go back to resting in hopes that my cold will magically disappear and I will get a ton of stuff accomplished in the next three days before we leave for our New Year's trip to Jekyll Island, Georgia.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and will continue on to have a wonderful New Year's celebration.

Merry Christmas, from The Browns (photo courtesy of sweet hubs on Instagram).


Jamie@OwlReally.com said...

i meant to tell you this last month, but your Christmas decorations were adorable! also, cute photo of you and the man! where's your dress from?? :)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Jamie! You're very sweet! I picked up that dress last year from Strawberry (http://www.strawberrystores.com/). Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!!!