Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have an amazing friend named Bobby. We like to call him Bobby Stonecrest. He's amazing for a lot of reasons: he's a super awesome baker in his spare time, he's super cute, he is lots of fun, he's a beer, bacon, and burger connoisseur, and basically is my own personal rockstar.

Another reason my amazing friend Bobby Stonecrest is super amazing because he sends me links all day long of things that he thinks I'd enjoy watching/buying/listening to, etc. I wanted to share a few of these things today for everyone else to enjoy as well.

First off, he sent me this link for Pantone iPhone 4 cases! Super rad and as soon as they are available, I will be purchasing the Cool Grey 5 for when I do upgrade my iPhone.

Next up, again Pantone related, he sent me this link for Pantone Visa Credit Cards! If only I liked Visa, I would absolutely go for one. (Come on Amex, get on the Pantone bandwagon please?!)

And last for today, he sent me this fun video titled "The Brick Thief: A LEGO Short Film". Very awesome.

Thank you, Bobby Stonecrest, for all the wonderful things you send my way. You rock the casbah as far as I'm concerned.